Oct 29, 2011

Road to the "Hanjuku".

J-chan suggested to try baking "Hanjuku" Castella, as she tried it and liked it very much when she went to Japan.
(Hanjuku = half cooked or boiled, Castella = Japanese Old style Sponge cake originated from Portuguese)

Traditionally it is very moist and sweet. Famous in Nagasaki Prefecture and known as difficult to bake evenly.

I quickly looked for recipe and tried to bake it!!!
I have not tried actual one but feel like trying!!!

Almost not Hanjuku...

And then, this is result. I adjust oven temperature and timing from the recipe and also reduced sugar.

It became just like normal souffle cake...
Never mind! I will try again, I will look for another recipe and follow what exactly recipe instructed.

Recipe : 12cm round cake mold
*Egg white - 50g
*Egg Yolk - 75g
*Caster sugar - 40g
*Honey - 15g
*Cake flour 13g

Method :
Pre-heat oven 160degC,
Warm up honey,
Sift flour, Sift egg yolk.

1) Whip egg white and add sugar 2-3 times, make into 80 % whipped meringue.
2) Add egg yolk 2-3 times, honey and flour into 1) and mix well.
3) Pour into round mold and bake it for 12 - 15mins.
4) Leave it till slightly cool down. remove from mold.

Oct 26, 2011

Cup Cakes.

It's Deepavali today and Public Holiday.
I got baking with J-chan!! =D

We bake simple bread and bagels together,
J-chan taught me cup cakes.

Yeah, I am pretty poor in baking cakes...it's rare for me to success...Really...

Since I got to know tips of baking cup cakes,
I should try more often!!!

Oct 23, 2011

Soup Restaurant.

It is Shiu-chan's first time visiting and having meal at Soup restaurant.

Soup restaurant is supposed to be famous in Soups, yes, their soups are tasty.
But here, Samsui Ginger Chicken is most famous.

And I like it. Shiu-chan also found it tasty and likes it =)

Oct 21, 2011

New Tiger.

It is called "Tiger Crystal".

I think something is different from Tiger Classic.
But Shiu-chan said it should be same.

Is it same or different?

Oct 18, 2011


I saw someone hiding there!!!

Oct 16, 2011

Same artist with...

I think should be same artist with the bird standing at Raffles place there.

You can meet this horse at ION, wheelock place side.

Oct 14, 2011


First time visiting!!

I didn't know this restaurant serves Mexican food.
And Fajita, tortilla wrap was so tasty~~~!!! =D

Furthermore no service charge!!
(I often feel I am paying service charge for plenty of lousy service)

Chili's @ Tanglin Mall

Oct 4, 2011

Ban Mian

We like our neighbor food Ban Mian stool.
Sometimes just difficult to resist not to eat that...hahaha =P

Oct 1, 2011

Adobo, again.

Shiu-chan wanted to cook adobo again.
He bought vinegar from neighborhood shop and cooked it.

Not bad then~~ =D