All these quite fast, really fast...
Usually people take 1 lesson per week,
I was taking 2 lessons per day, sometimes 3 lessons...
From now on, I will only be going baking lesson only 2 times per month, most of time I will practice baking at home...
It will be quite fun and more relax. =)
Today, for my last basic baking lesson,
I baked 'Seigle au Fig'.
Contains rye flour half amount of bread flour.
rye flour is low in gluten, this bread mix maron paste into dough,
It was really hard to knead...
Knead knead but still very sticky...
not like normal dough at all.
After all, the bread was come out from oven with nice chestnut smell...

alot of chunks of dry fig in it too.
Frankly speaking,
smell was more like baked sweet potato somehow...hahaha =P