Dessert of yesterday's dinner was - :
Burger King's Hershey's chocolate cake.

It should be nice if it's chilly cold...=)
I always thought of trying that, but I didn't try till now...
so he bought it for me...
It was not too sweet and not too heavy...I quite like that and look forward to try it again =)
And then, GOBI's Dark Chocolate Orange from me to him as Valentine's day cake...The dark chocolate mousse was thick and smooth but not too heavy too...nice with orange ganache in centre...

quite big size...share is just nice...$7.30 is too expensive for us...
If the size is slightly smaller and price also slightly more affordable then I can buy sometimes...
Burger King
Burger King's Hershey's chocolate cake.

It should be nice if it's chilly cold...=)
I always thought of trying that, but I didn't try till now...
so he bought it for me...
It was not too sweet and not too heavy...I quite like that and look forward to try it again =)
And then, GOBI's Dark Chocolate Orange from me to him as Valentine's day cake...The dark chocolate mousse was thick and smooth but not too heavy too...nice with orange ganache in centre...

quite big size...share is just nice...$7.30 is too expensive for us...
If the size is slightly smaller and price also slightly more affordable then I can buy sometimes...
Burger King