I was lazy in the morning and swam a little bit for exercise.
While walking down from apart to Regent hotel, we saw interesting view at Hilton hotel.

Ferrari and maserati and...
Fall in love with those car owners,
it is not dream to be rich [tai tai] in Singapore?!
But, for our eyes catches more better car than those commonly see expensive cars...

yappari, definitely different class...
Wine red colour with classy look flying lady...
It was convertible, and its rather seat look so comfortable...
I really prefer this old style Rolls Royce than recent model...
with happy feeling of seeing my favorite car,
I've finally reached to Basilico and enjoyed the food and chit chat...

yum yum...meringue cake...
After having of tasty italian,
back to apart for baking with her.
We are trying to bake nice croissant
just like same as what she had in France,
And while making croissant, we tried to bake bagels
just like same as what she was having in U.S.

knead, shape, very good for 1st time!!

melon pan too. she is good in making cookies and cakes.
Croissant finish???

not bad, hor?
I have tried Echire, President and SCS butters,
today used Anchor from NZ,
All are easy to become soft..
I think really need chilled room for baking croissant...