Bread is very deep and complicated thing.
Learn more, headache more.
Everytime is a lesson to learn.
I took my challenge to bake Baguette today,
since I bought flour "Lys D'or" which popular to use for french breads.
Followed technical book recipe,
water used 70%. Proofed for 12 hours.
I guess, I really have to reduce amount of flour when I bake in Singapore.
dough was really too watery...couldn't even make shape...=X
It was my very first time to use Lys D'or as well, I was also no idea what the flour handling like.
well, as often mentioned, I do only a few minutes of kneading to get irregular holes.
really difficult...really difficult to find coupe-knife and Malt extract...out come was I think too moist inside, however, hole was nice. I think...
let's try again then =)
I have also tried to bake croissant again,
used president skimmed milk 40% and water 20%.
I didn't add any fat (oil) to dough as technical book mention it will be more crispy if never add fat into dough.
Really very difficult to do roll-in butter to croissant without air-con...hahaha.
dough need to be around 5 deg, I have to put into freezer for cooling down next time.
of course, I don't have reverse-sheator, slowly roll it dough...
dunno nice or proofing...after bake, it was pretty surprise.
most nicely baked croissant I ever baked!!!
crust is so crispy, just regret that inside is moist and there's no honey comb.
well, I will definitely try again!!!

I must buy more Lys D'or next time too!!!