Feel like taking photo for my mobile phones...
First one to current one...
I think I should bring my old ones to recycle as cannot use at all.
Japan's mobile phone is really too many functions,
most of that, rarelly to use...hahaha.
For me, for the mobile phone,
phone call and email (or SMS) is most and
leaset functions.
Other than that...not really needed.
old > new. i like TOSHIBA as i feel it's GUI is quite user friendly.
These are my mobile phones
old (left) to new (right).
becomes bigger and slimmer.Fist one was TOSHIBA C310T, first colour display or
16melody hand phone under au brand.
(there are 3 big mobile phone carrier in Japan,
Docomo (NTT), au (KDDI) and Softbank mobile (former vodafone))I used it for about 3 years and changed to A5501T.
first 1mega pixel camera phone in TOSHIBA,
with QVGA 2.2inch display, GPS, 15fps movie, MiniSD,
Chaku uta (song ringing tone)...etc...
It was still external antenna.
I was au user for quite sometime and earned discount points.
So I changed to new one in 2006 summer.
(usually new models will be introduced every seasons)I could not find any nice design for TOSHIBA and I choose
Sony Ericsson model W32S (sony ericsson model was new comer).
This model comes with cute illumination panel, and panel is changeable.
Also, old ones were still CDMA but this was CDMA WIN and more functions...
2.7 inch QVGA (BRAVIA technology + @), PC site viewer, Felica (like Creditcard),
high quolity sound (DBEX), 2.1Mpix camera, memory stick Pro/DUO, FM,
Chakuuta full, infarred, GPS, Barcord reader...etc...
Too many functions already...GPS is with voice navigation somemore...
I did not use much this mobile phone and I end contract with au...
Just untill recent, all mobile phones must get with contract,
no handphones can be bought without plan.
Untill they started number portability service, numbers also will be changed
if you change mobile phone carrier.
when I bought sony ericsson's in 2006,
SIM card was inside as they started number portability.
For my current one, TOSHIBA T002 is just introduced.
And much more and more functions compare to sony ericsson's.
I do not know when to use all these functions...hahaha.
3inch TFT (REGZA), Global Passport (3G), OneSeg TV (HD), 3Mpix AF,
book viwer, Felica, GPS, micro SDHC, water proof...ect..etc...
(* not able to insert overseas SIM card to use)now Japan's mobile phone market had changed alot.
Mobile phone price became very expensive and
You can sell your old mobile phone if you finish paying your mobile phone.
T002 was about JPY45000 (SGD670) while W32S was about JPY20000 (SGD 300).
Plan becomes cheaper, starting from JPY1000/m (SGD15), half of W32 that time.
but still, there is a SIM lock, you cannot use your overseas SIM card
in your mobile phone.
I am very wondering how mobile phone market going on,
and hopping that someday my Singapore SIM card also be able to use with my
Japan's mobile phone =)
note : rate JPY for SGD is x1.5
in Japan, SMS is only for same carrier numbers. (e.g au - au, au x Docomo)
different carriers and internet emails, you can use your mobile phones email address.